University Health and Counseling Services
Ambrose Center



Providers at UHCS can assist with keeping you healthy when you travel either in the US or abroad. Whether this is making sure you have enough of any medication you may need for the time you are travelling or reviewing vaccines you may need to travel abroad.

Preplanning is especially important. Ideally, you will see a UHCS provider for travel consultation 6-8 weeks before your scheduled departure. Your provider will be able to review your itinerary with you and give you recommendations for keeping healthy while keeping in mind your personal health needs and the specific destination(s) and activities you are planning.

We can give you immunizations and/or mediations you may need to prevent some diseases and refer you to places where they give some of the vaccines that we do not carry at UHCS.

From the Experts at UHCS:

  • Many persons travelling in the US and most travelling outside of the US would benefit from a travel consult with their health care provider.
  • Although we recommend that a travel visit occur 6-8 weeks before you travel outside the US, especially if you are going to be going for more than a couple of weeks; you may still benefit from a visit and be able to get some of the medications or vaccines you may need if you have less time than that before you depart.
  • To get the most out of your travel visit you need to come prepared with your specific itinerary, an idea of the activities in which you will be participating, a list of your current medications and any allergies to medications and most importantly your immunization record.
  • There is a small charge for this visit at UHCS as well as charges for vaccines. These are listed on the UHCS fee schedule

- Donene Rowe, MD

More Information:

Detailed information about staying healthy while traveling.

Updated: 09/17/12


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