University Honors Program (UHP)

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions that are not answered by this frequently asked questions page, please feel free to email and we can help you out.

The University Honors Program (UHP) offers academically motivated students the opportunity to challenge themselves and graduate with University Honors. Students participate in Honors-level coursework and may participate in additional enrichment opportunities such as the Honors First-Year Interest Group (FIG), field trips, service learning opportunities, special one-unit Honors courses, and the Honors Student Association. They may also apply to attend honors conferences and compete for honors-only awards and scholarships.

Entering first-year students who meet the official criteria listed below will be automatically enrolled during their application process to 足彩平台 if:

    • They have an unweighted high-school GPA of 3.7 or higher.

    Students who are already enrolled at UW-W and incoming transfer students may apply for admission into the Honors Program if their cumulative GPA at 足彩平台 is at least 3.4 and if they have earned at least 12 credits. Admittance is determined by the Honors Director on a case-by-case basis. The application can be found on the Honors Forms page.

    The University Honors Program office is located on the first floor of Hyland Hall, in Room 1220. Upon entering through the main entrance of Hyland Hall, you’ll find the office just to the left of the large TV screens. The Honors Director’s office is also in this area, in Room 1226.

    Honors courses are designed to be more academically challenging and enriching than non-Honors courses. They provide opportunities for more discussion as well as more independent and creative work.

    An H-Option Project is a formal contract between an Honors student and professor. It allows the student to receive honors credit(s) in a course that does not have an honors designation. The H-Option requires the student to work with the professor to design and implement an honors curriculum that goes above and beyond the regular course requirements. Students will receive honors credits upon successful completion of the H-Option with a course grade of "B" or higher. To learn more, visit the H-Option page of the website.

    To remain in the University Honors Program, students are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4. In order to graduate with University Honors, a student must earn 21 Honors Credits. At least 6 of the 21 Honors Credits must be undertaken at the 300 or 400 level (by way of Honors courses/sections or H-Option contracts). Honors students may only earn 6 of their 21 Honors Credits by way of Honors 498 courses. Additionally, if Honors students choose to pursue Honors Exchange Credits, 9 of their 21 credits must still be earned by way of Honors Coursework or H-Option Projects.

    • More personalized and enriching academic experience
      • Smaller class sizes in Honors courses
      • Faculty mentoring with Honors-Option Projects
      • Honors 498 courses (1 credit, graded S/NC) to pursue culturally and intellectually compelling (and often timely) topics
      • Experiential learning through field trips and Honors conference participation
    • Honors Scholarship Opportunities
    • Competitive Edge
      • Resume builder
      • An advantage in graduate and professional school applications
      • Stronger letters of recommendation
      • Priority registration
    • Community
      • Honors Student Association, the UHP’s student org
      • Field trips
      • Honors Banquet
      • Special workshops for Honors students
      • Honors conferences