LEARN Center

LEARN Center Library: By Title

Video Policy - Videos tapes are available from selected LEARN Center workshops. Faculty/staff can check out videos for one week at a time by contacting Sally Lange at 472-5242 or by email:learn@eric-andre.com).

Publication Policy - Publications listed below may be signed out for the semester by contacting Sally Lange.

Privatizing the Public University - Perspectives from across the AcademyMorphew and Eckel

Publications Available Author
50 Hours: A Core Curriculum for College Students (3 copies) Cheney
101 Ways to Make Meetings Active Silberman
147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups:  Essentials of Web-Based Education Hanna, Glowacki-Dudka & Conceicao-Runlee
Academic Advising:  A comprehensive Handbook Gordon, Habley and Associates
Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies, and the Entreprenurial University Slaughter and Leslie
Academic Capitalism and the New Economy: Markets, State, and Higher Education Slaughter and Rhoades
Academic Controversy:  Enriching College Instruction Johnson, Johnson, and Smith
Academic Departments: How They Work, How They Change Walvoord, Carey, Smith, Soled, Way, Zorn
Academic Dishonesty:  An Educator's Guide Whitley and Keith-Spiegel
Academic Integrity Matters NASPA - Burnett, Rudolph, and Clifford
Academic Leadership:  A Practical Guide to Chairing the Department Leaming
Accounting AAHE
Acting Lessons for Teachers: Using Performance Skills in the Classroom Tauber and Mester
Acting Locally:  Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Environmental Studies Ward, (Editor)
Action Learning Mc Gill & Beaty
Action Learning and Action Research:  Improving the Quality of Teaching & Learning Kember
Active Training:  A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips Silberman
Administrative Commitment to Teaching Cochran
Advanced Office Systems Medley
Age of Learning (The):  Education and the Knowledge Society Jarvis
Alive at the Core:  Exemplary Approaches to General Education in the Humanities Nelson and Associates
American College President: A 1993 Edition, The Ross, Green, and Henderson
American College Teacher: National Norms for the 1995-96 HERI Faculty Survey Sax, Astin, Arredondo, Korn
American Faculty, The: The Restructuring of Academic Work and Careers Schuster and Finkelstein
American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1993 Astin, Korn, and Riggs
American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1992 Astin, Korn, and Riggs
American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1991 Astin, Dey, Korn, and Riggs
American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1990 Astin, Korn, and Berz
American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1984 Astin, Green, Korn, and Maier
American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1982 Astin, Hemond, and Richardson
Analyzing Performance Problems or You Really Oughta Wanna Mager and Pipe
Art and Politics of College Teaching, The Hostetler, Sawyer, and Prichard
Art and Science of 360 Degree Feedback Lepsinger and Lucia
Art and Science of Classroom Assessment:  The Missing Part of Pedagogy (2 copies) Brookhart
Art and Science of Competency Models: Pinpointing Critical Success Factors in Organizations, The Lucia, Lepsinger
Art of Changing the Brain (The):  Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning (4 copies) Zull
Art of Thinking, The Ruggiero
Arts at State Colleges and Universities AASCU
Asking Questions Bradburn, Sudman and Wansink
Assessing Campus Diversity Initiatives:  A Guide for Campus Practitioners (2 copies) AACU
Assessing General Education:  A Questionnaire to Initiate Campus Conversations (5 copies) Meacham
Assessing General Education Programs Allen
Assessing Online Learning Comeaux
Assessing Student Learning (2 copies) Suskie
Assessing Student Learning in General Education Bresciani
Assessing the Impact of Service Learning Center for Academic Excellence-Portland State University
Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education Jossey - Bass Highter and Adult Education
Assessment Essentials:  Planning, Implementing, and Improving Assessment in  Higher  Education Palomba and Banta
Assessment in Higher Education:  Issues of Access, Quality, Student Development, and Public Policy Messick
Assessment in Student Affairs Upcraft and Schuh
Assessment Programs and Projects: A Directory Paskow
Automated Essay Scoring:  A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective (2 copies) Shermis and Burstein
Basics of Qualitative Research:  Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory Strauss and Corbin
Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher Brookfield
Beyond Tests and Quizzes: Creative Assessments in the College Classroom Mezeske
Beyond the Podium:  Delivering Training and Performance to a Digital World Rossett & Sheldon
Biology AAHE
Building a Scholarship of Assessment (2 copies) Banta and Associates
Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace Palloff and Pratt
Building and Sustaining Learning Communities (The Syracuse University Experience) Hurd and Stein
Building Organizational Capacity: Strategic Management in Higher Education Toma, J. Douglas
Campus, Inc. White
Campus Life In Search of Community Bouyer
Campus Use of the Teaching Portfolio AAHE
Career Aspirations & Expeditions Martin & Bloom
Caring and Community Norbeck, Connolly, and Koerner
Cause and Cure of Dropouts, The Skromme
Chairing an Academic Department Gmelch and Miskin
Challenge of Problem-Based Learning (The) Boud and Feletti
Challenges Facing Higher Education at the Millennium Hirsch and Weber
Charting Your Course Pregent
Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need To Know Popham
Classroom Assessment and Research:  An Update on Uses, Approaches, and Research Findings Angelo
Classroom Assessment Techniques:  A Handbook for College Teachers (2 copies) Angelo and Cross
Classroom Research Cross/Steadman
Coaching for Commitment:  Interpersonal Strategies for Obtaining Superior Performance from Individuals and Teams Kinlaw
Collaborative Peer Review (2 copies) Keig and Waggoner
Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement : 2000 Edition NCA
Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement : 2002 Edition NCA
College is Only the Beginning: A Student Guide to Higher Education Gardner and Jewler
Communication and Collaboration in the Online Classroom Comeaux
Communication Studies AAHE
Communication for Teachers (five copies) Chesebro, McCroskey
Community-Based Research and Higher Education Strand, Marullo, Cutforth, Stoecker and Donohue
Composition AAHE
Computer and Internet Use on Campus:  A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property, Free Speech, and Privacy Hawke
Computer-Assisted Assessment in Higher Education Brown, Race, and Bull
Computer-Based Testing:  Building the Foundation for Future Assessments Mills, Potenza, Fremer, and Ward
Computer Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom Berge and Collins
Collaborative Learning - Higer Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge Bruffee, Kenneth A.
Cooperative Learning For Higher Education Faculty Millis and Cottell
Corporate Classrooms: The Learning Business Olswang and Lee
Courage to Teach (2 copies) Palmer
Course Portfolio (The):  How Faculty Can Examine Their Teaching to Advance Practice and Improve Student Learning AAHE
Course for America's Future - Annual Report 1993, A USA Group, Inc.
Course Syllabus, The Grunert
Creating Distinctiveness Townsend, Newell, and Wiese
Creating Learning Centered Classrooms:  What Does Learning Theory Have to Say? Stage, Muller, Kinzie, and Simmons
Creating hard Responsibility for General Education and Assessment AACU
Creating Significant Learning Experiences:  An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses ( 2 copies) Fink
Creativity in Education and Learning:  A Guide for Teachers and Educators Cropley
Cultivating the Sociological Imagination:  Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Sociology Ostrow, Hesser, Enos, Editors
Culture Shift Pritchett
Dangerous Coaculations?  Baker and Heyning
Data Analysis: Using SPSS for Windows (2 Copies) Foster
Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst Brinkman and Kirschner
Declining by Degrees: Higher Education At Risk (2 copies) Hersh and Merrow
Deep Learning for a Digital Age Weigel
Degree Mills Ezell and Bear
Democratic Education in an Age of Difference:  Redefining Citizenship in Higher Education Guarasci, Cornwell and Associates
Department Chair's Role in Developing New Faculty into Teachers and Scholars Bensimon, Ward, Sanders
Departments that Work:  Building and Sustaining Cultures of Excellence in Academic Programs Wergin
Designing & Assessing Courses & Curricula:  A Practical Guide Diamond
Designing Effective Assessment Banta, Jones and Black
Developing And Validating Multiple-Choice Test Items Haladyna
Developing Critical Thinkers:  Challenging Adults to Explore Alternative Ways of Thinking and Acting Brookfield
Developing Practitioners:  A Handbook of Contextual Supervision Ralph
Developing University-Industry Relations Miller and Le Boeuf
Dilemmas in Teaching:  Cases for Collaborative Faculty Reflection Anson, Cafarelli, Rutz, and Weiss
Discussion as a Way of Teaching:  Tools and Techniques for Democratic Classrooms Brookfield and Preskill
Discussion Based Online Teaching To Enhance Student Learning Bender
Distance Learning: Strategies that Make Sense for Higher Education (CD) Gill
Diversity & Motivation:  Culturally Responsive Teaching Wlodkowski and Ginsberg
Doctor of Philosophy Degree The Council of Graduate Schools in US
Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization Coghlan and Brannick
Educating Citizens (2 Copies) Colby, Ehrlich, Beaumont, Stephens, Shulman
E-Learning and the Science of Instruction:  Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning Clark and Mayer
Educative Assessment Wiggins
Effective Grading:  A Tool for Learning and Assessment (2 copies) Walvoord and Anderson
Effective Teaching in Higher Education: Research and Practice Perry and Smart
Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education Foundations for Success Bates and Poole
Electronic Learning Communities: Current Issues and Best Practices US Distance Leanrning Association
Empowering the Faculty Luna and Cullen
Engaging Ideas:  The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom Bean
Engaging the Online Learner (2 copies) Conrad, Donalson
Engineering AAHE
Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn Wlodkowski
Enhancing Student Learning Love and Love
Enquiring University Teacher Rowland
Ensuring Student Success:  A Handbook of Evidence-Based Strategies  
Environmental Studies AAHE
Essentials of Creativity Assesment Kaufman, Plucker and Baer
Essentials of Standardized Achievement Testing Haladyna
Ethics of Teaching:  A Casebook Keith-Spiegel; Whitley, Jr.; Balogh; Perkins; and Wittig 
Evaluating Research Articles:  From Start to Finish Girden
Evaluating Teaching in Higher Education:  A Vision for the Future Ryan
Everything Bad Is Good for You Johnson
Expanding the Boundaries of Transformative Learning  
Experiencing Citizenship Battistoni and Hudson
Experiential Learning in Higher Education-Linking Classroom and Community (2 copies) Cantor
Fables, Labels, and Folding Tables:  Reflections on the Student Affairs Profession Mitchell
Facilitating Online Learning:  Effective Strategies for Moderators Collison, Elbaum, Haavind, Tinker
Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education Brockbank, McGill
Facilitating With Ease! Bens
Faculty Careers and Work Lives O'Meara, Terosky and Neumann
Faculty Incivility Twale and De Luca
Faculty in New Jobs:  A Guide to Settling In, Becoming Established, and Building Institutional Support Menges and Associates
Faculty Misconduct in Collegiate Teaching Braxton and Bayer
Faculty Workload Studies: Perspectives, Needs, and Future Directions  (2 copies) Meyer
Finding Statistics Online:  How to Locate the Elusive Numbers You Need Berinstein
Finding Your Own Voice in Academic Publishing:  Writing Your Way to Success Drake & Jones
First Steps to Excellence in College Teaching Johnson
Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years:  A Scheme (2 copies) Perry
Fresh Approaches to the Evaluation of Teaching Knapper, Cranton
From Idea to Prototype: The Peer Review of Teaching AAHE
Full-Time Faculty Handbook Bianco-Mathis and Chalofsky
Future of Higher Education, The Newman, Couturier, and Scurry
Games That Teach:  Experiential Activities for Reinforcing Training Sugar
General Education in an Age of Student Mobility Schoenberg and Others
General Education:  The Changing Agenda (2 copies) Gaff (AACU)
General Education and the Assessment Reform Agenda AACU
Generational Learning Styles Coates
Goal Analysis Mager
Graduate Education Today Walters
Great Rip-Off in American Education, The Scarlett
Guide to Faculty Development:  Practical Advice, Examples, and Resources, A (2 copies) Gillespie, Hilsen, and Wadsworth
A Guide to Publishing in Scholarly Communication Journals (3rd Edition) (2 copies) Knapp and Daly
Handbook for College Teaching (2nd Edition) Miller & Miller
Handbook for Faculty Development, A (volumes 1 & 2) Bergquist and Phillips
Handbook of PracticalProgram Evaluation (2nd ed) Hatry, Newcomer, and Wholey
Handbook of Leadership Development (2nd edi) McCauley and Velsor
Handbook for Teachers in Universities and Colleges Cannon & Newble
Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education:  Enhancing Academic Practice Fry, Ketteridge and Marshall
Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education Wilson, Hayes
Handbook of Online Learning:  Innovations in Higher Education and Corporate Training Rudestam and Schoenholtz-Read
Handbook of the Undergraduate Curriculum Gaff and Ratcliff
Handbook on Effective Instructional Strategies: Evidence for Decision-Making Friedman and Fisher
Higher Education Abstracts: Fall 2000, Volume 36, Number 1 Claremont Graduate University
Higher Education and Public Trust (2 copies) Alfred and Weissman
Higher Education Reports Spring/Summer 1995 Catalog ASHE ERIC
History AAHE
History of the Wisconsin State Universities Wyman
Honoring the Trust:  Quality and Cost Containment in Higher Education Massy
How College Affects Students (vol 2) Pascarella and Terenzini
How Do They Know They Know:  Evaluating Adult Learning Vella, Berardinelli, Burrow
How Do We Measure Up?: 1997 Customer Satisfaction Report US Department of Education
How Learning Works: 7 Reasearch-Based Principles for Smart Teaching Ambrose, Bridges, DiPietro, Lovett, Norman
How People Learn:  Brain, Mind, Experience, and School National Research Council
How Service-Learning Complements Multicultural Education Raudenbush, Hall, Koyama & McPherson
How Minority Students Experience College Watson, Terrell, Wright and Associates
How to Publish Your Communication Research:  An Insider's Guide (3 copies) Alexander and Potter
How to Talk About Hot Topics on Campus: From Polarization to Moral Conversation Nash, Bradley, and Chickering
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Gelb
How to Turn Learners on…Without Turing Them Off Mager
How to Write and Use Instructional Objectives Gronlund
Humor as an Instructional Defibrillator:  Evidence-Based Techniques in Teaching and Assessment Berk
Impact of Technology of Faculty Development, Life, and Work Gillespie
Improve the Academy, To (2 copies) Chadwick - Blossey
Improving a College/University Teaching Evaluation System Richlin, Manning
Improving College Teaching Seldin and Associates
Improving Instruction:  Issues and Alternatives for Higher Education Cole
Improving Undergraduate Education Through Faculty Development Eble and McKeachie
Included in Communication:  Learning Climates that Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity Trent
Inquiry into the College Classroom: A Journey Toward Scholarly Teaching Savory, Burnett, and Goodburn
In Defense of American Higher Education Altbach, Gumport, and Johnstone
Information Specialist's Guide to Searching and Researching on the Internet & the World Wide Web (2 copies) Ackermann and Hartman
Inspiring Teaching Roth
Inspiring Students:  Case Studies in Motivating the Learner Fallows and Ahmet
Instructional Techniques in Higher Education Kozma, Belle, and Williams
Integrating Information Literacy (Into The Higher Education Curriculum) (2 copies)  Rockman and Associates
Integrating Key Skills in Higher Education:  Employability, Transferable Skills, and Learning for Life Fallows and Steven
Integrating Liberal Learning and Professional Education Armour and Luhrmann
Interviewing as Qualitative Research Seidman
Interpreting Quantitative Data with SPSS Antonius
Investing in College Getz
Job Satisfaction Among Faculty and Staff (2 copies) Hagedorn
Just-In-Time Teaching:  Blending Active Learning with Web Technology Novak, Patterson, Gavrin, Christian
Keeping Students in Higher Education:  Successful Practices & Strategies for Retention Moxley, Najor-Durack & Dumbrigue
Knowledge As Design Perkins
Knowledge Management in Education:  Enhancing Learning & Education Sallis and Jones
Laboratory-Laboratory Course in the Philosophy of Education: An Example of Active Learning in the Classroom National Society for Experiential Education
Large-Scale Assessment Programs for All Students:  Validity, Technical Adequacy, and Implementation Tindal and Haladyna
Learning as Transformation:  Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress Mezirow and Associates
Learning Paradigm College (The) Tagg
Learner-Centered Teaching:  Five Key Changes to Practice (2 copies) Weimer
Learning & Development:  Making Connections to Enhance Teaching Silverman & Casazza
Learning By Doing Rama
Learning from Change:  Landmarks in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from Change Magazine 1969-1999 DeZure
Learning Links--A Curricular Resource Guide for Service Learning Ranese
Learning and Motivation in the Postsecondary Classroom (2 copies) Svinicki
The Learning Portfolio: Reflective Practice for Improving Student Learning Zubizarreta
Learning That Lasts Mentkowski and Associates
Learning through Assessment:  A Resource Guide for Higher Education AAHE
Learning Through Storytelling In Higher Education (2 copies) McDrury and Alterio
Learning Together:  Keeping Teachers and Students Actively Involved in Learning by Writing Across the Curriculum Panitz
Learning to Think:  Disciplinary Perspectives (2 Copies) Donald
Learning with the Community Erickson and Anderson
Lecturer's Tool Kit:  A Practical Guide to Learning, Teaching & Assessment Race
Lecturing:  A Practical Guide Brown & Race
Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom:  The Realities of Online Teaching Palloff and Pratt
Let Your Life Speak:  Listening for the Voice of Vocation Palmer
Liberal Learning and Careers Green and Salem
Lifelong Learning in Higher Education Knapper and Cropley
Making Choices for Multicultural Education Sleeter, Grant
Making Instruction Work Mager
Making Outreach Visible:  A Guide to Documenting Professional Service Outreach AAHE
Management AAHE
Management Fads in Higher Education:  Where They Come From, What They Do, Why They Fail Birnbaum
Mastering the Instructional Design Process:  A Systematic Approach Rothwell and Kazanas
Mastering the Techniques of Teaching (4 copies) Lowman
McGraw-Hill Handbook of Distance Learning Chute, Thompson, and Hancock
Meaningful Course Revision Wehlburg
Measuring Instructional Results or Got a Match Mager
Measuring What Matters: Competency-Based Learning Models in Higher Education Voorhees
Medical Education AAHE
Mentor's Guide, The Zachary
Mentoring Students & Young People:  A Handbook of Effective Practice Miller
Metateaching and the Instructional Map Timpson
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Fall 2000 Volume 7 OCSL Press: The University of Michigan
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Summer 2001 Service-Learning Course Design Workbook OCSL Press: The University of Michigan
Millennials Rising Howe and Strauss
Minorities on Campus American Council on Education
Models for Improving College Teaching (2 copies) Travis
Models of Proposal Writing & Planning Miner and Miner
Money & Power:  The History of Business Means
More Quick Hits: Successful Strategies by Award-Winning Teachers Stocking, Bender, Cookman, Peterson, and Votaw
Motivating Teaching in Higher Education Ralph
Moving Beyond the Gap Between Research and Practice in Higher Education Kezar, Eckel
Multimedia-Based Instructional Design:  Computer-Based Training, Web-Based Training, Distance Broadcast Training Lee and Owens
NCA Quarterly: Assessing Student Academic Achievement NCA
NCA Quarterly: The First Hundred Years of NCA: The Commission on Schools NCA
NCA Quarterly: volume 66 number 3 Winter 1992 NCA
New Paradigms for College Teaching Campbell and Smith
Nursing AAHE
Obama Education Plan, The Jossey-Bass
Open To Question (2 copies) Baterman
Opening Lines:  Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2 copies) Carnegie Foundation, Hutchings, Editor
Other Blended Learning, The Wilson, Smilanich
Our Student's Best Work: A Framework for Accountability Worthy of Our Mission AACU
Our Underachieving Colleges (10 copies) Bok
Overcoming Our Racism Sue
Peace Studies AAHE
Peer Learning in Higher Education:  Learning From & With Each Other Boud, Cohen & Sampson
Peer Prejudice and Discrimination:  The Origins of Prejudice Fishbein
Peer Review of Teaching:  A Sourcebook Van Note Chism
Peers in the Classroom:  Case Studies in Adult Higher Education Logan and Fromberg
Philosophy AAHE
Planning Effectively For Educational Quality Bergquist and Armstrong
Point, Click & Wow!  A Quick Guide to Brilliant Laptop Presentations  
Political Science AAHE
Post Tenure Faculty Development:  Building a System of Faculty Improvement and Appreciation Alstete
Power of Problem-Based Learning (The):  A Practical "How To" for Teaching Undergraduate Courses in Any Discipline Duch, Groh, and Allen
Practice of Problem-Based Learning, The  Amador, Miles, and Peters
Practice of University History Teaching (The) Booth and Hyland
Practices in Recruitment, Remediation, and Retention Gaither
Practitioner-Researcher (The):  Developing Theory from Practice Jarvis
Prentice Hall Test Manager:  A Comprehensive Suite of Tools for Testing and Assessment Engineering Software Associates, Inc.
Preparing for Promotion And Tenure Review--Faculty Guide Diamond
Preparing Instructional Objectives Mager
Principles of Effective Teaching in the Online Classroom Weiss, Knowlton, Speck
Problem-Based Learning Schwartz, Mennin & Webb
Professional Development as Transformative Learning:  New Perspectives for Teachers of Adults Cranton
Promoting Active Learning: Strategies for the College Classroom Meyers and Jones
Promoting Civility: A Teaching Challenge Richardson
Promoting Inquiry in Undergraduate Learning 40 Armour and Fuhrmann
Promoting Reasonable Expectations Bender, Miller, Schuh
Proposals that Work:  A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals Locke, Spirduso, and Silverman
Pschology AAHE
Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and use of Laboratory Animals Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
Publish & Flourish Gray
Publishing for Tenure and Beyond (3 copies) Silverman
Punished by Rewards:  The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes Kohn
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Creswell
Qualitive Research & Evaluation Methods Patton
Quality in Alternative Delivery Systems NCA
Raising Academic Standards: A Guide to Learning Improvement Keimig
The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves Ridley, Matt
Rapid Instructional Design:  Learning Fast and Right Piskurich
Reaching the Goals: Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning US Department of Education
Realizing the Educational Potential of Residence Halls Schroeder, Mable, & Associates
Recruiting Good College Faculty Perlman & McCann
Redesigning Higher Education-Producing Dramatic Gains in Student Learning Gardiner
Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination Oskamp
Reflection in Learning and Professional Development Moon
Research Methods for Organizational Studies Schwab
Researchers Hooked on Teaching Andre and Frost
Rethinking College Education Allan
Rethinking Faculty Work Gappa, Austin and Trice
Revolutionary Strategy for the Knowledge Age Norris
Role of Institutional Accreditation in Enhancing Quarterly, The NCA
Science & Technical Writing Rubens
Scholarship Assessed--Evaluation of the Professoriate Glassick, Huber, and Maeroff
Senior Year Experience (The):  Facilitating Integration, Reflection, Closure, and Transition Gardner, Van der Veer, and Associates
Sequence for Academic Writing Behrens, Rosen & Beedles
Service Counts Korbin and Nadelmar
Service Learning:  Getting to the Heart of School Renewal Project Service Leadership
Service Learning in Higher Education Jaroby
Serving on Promotion and Tenure Committees Diamond
Shaping Higher Education's Future Levine and Associates
Shaping of American Higher Education (The):  Emergence and Growth of the Contemporary System Cohen
Shaping the College Curriculum: Academic Plans in Action Stark and Lattuce
Simplified Grantwriting Burke
Skillful Teacher, The Brookfield
Sociology AAHE
Spanish AAHE
Sponsored Research in American Universities and Colleges Strickland
SPSS for Windows (2 copies) Einspruch
SPSS for Windows An introduction to Use and Interpretation in Research Morgan, Griego, & Gloeckner
Status of General Education in the Year 2000:  Summary of a National Survey (The) (2 copies) AACU
Statistical Consultant, Your (2 copies) Newton, Rudestam
Statistics for People who Think they Hate Statistics Salkind
Statistics in Plain English Urdan
Strategies for Energizing Large Classes:  From Small Groups to Learning Communities MacGregor, Cooper, Smith, Robinson
Strengthening the Ties That Bind: Integrating Undergraduate Liberal & Professional Study Stark and  Lowther
Strong Foundations:  Twelve Principles for Effective General Education Programs AAC
Student Development in College:  Theory, Research, and Practice Evans, Forney, Guido-DiBrito
Student Learning in the Information Age Breivik
Subagreements Under Federal Prime Awards NCURA
Student Ratings Debate: Are They Valid? How Can We Best Use Them? Theall, Abrami, Mets
Successful Beginnings for College Teaching McGlynn
Successful College Teaching: Problem-Solving Strategies of Distinguished Professors Baiocco and DeWaters
Successful Faculty Development and Evaluation-Complete Teaching Portfolio Murray
Successful Publishing in Scholarly Journals: volume 11 Thyer
Syracuse University Focus on Teaching Project (First Two Years), The Center for Instrumental Development--Syracuse University
Taking Responsibility for the Quality of the Bacculaureate Degree AACU
Taking Teaching Seriously (2 copies) Paulsen and Feldman
Teacher Education AAHE
Teaching and Learning in College:  A Resource for Educators (2 copies) Wheeler
Teaching and Learning Materials and the Internet Forsyth
Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry Lee
Teaching and Learning Online Stephenson
Teaching and Performance Timpson, Burgoyne, Jones, and Jones
Teaching and the Case Method Christensen
Teaching at Its Best (2 copies) Nilson
Teaching at the People's University Henderson
Teaching College:  Collected Readings for the New Instructor Weimer and Neff
Teaching College in an Age of Accountability Lyons, McIntosh, Kysilka
Teaching Communication:  Theory, Research, and Methods Daly, Vangelisti, Friedrich
Teaching Diversity: Challenges and Complexities, Indentities and Integrity Timpson, Canetto, Borrayo, Yang
Teaching First Year College Students Erikson, Peters, Strommer
Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice:  A Sourcebook (4 copies) Adams, Bell and Griffin
Teaching for Understanding:  Linking Research and Practice Wiske
Teaching from a Multicultural Perspective: volume 12 Roberts,Gonzales,Harris,Huff,Johns,Lou,Scott
Teaching Inclusively Ouellett
Teaching Introductory Psychology: Survival Tips from the Experts Sternberg
Teaching Portfolio, The (2 copies) Seldin
Teaching Portfolio Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching, The AAHE
Teaching Tips McKeachie
Teaching to Promote Intellectual and Personal Maturity: Incorporating Students' Worldviews and Identities into the Learning Process Magolda
Teaching Undergraduates Dominowski
Teaching Well and Liking It Bess
Techniques and Strategies for Interpreting Student Evaluations Lewis
Technology and Learning Pea
Technology-Based Training:  The Art and Science of Design, Development, and Delivery Kruse, Keil
Test Manager (software)  
Theory and Practice of Learning Jarvis, Holford & Griffin
Theory and Practice of Teaching Jarvis
Things That Work in Community Service Learning Caplante and Kingsley
Thinking about Teaching and Learning (3 Copies) Leamnson
Three Magic Letters, getting to PH. D. Nettles and Millett
To Improve the Academy Lieberman Wehlbrg
To Improve the Academy Robertson and Nilson
To Improve the Academy Wehlburg and Chadwick-Blossey
Tools for Teaching (4 copies) Davis
Tricks of the Trade Becker
Understanding Faculty Productivity (2 copies) Middaugh
Understanding Learning and Teaching Prosser and Trigwell
Unleashing the Power of Perpetual Learning Norris and Malloch
Using Consultants to Improve Teaching Knapper, Piccinin
Using Simulations to Promote Learning in Higher Education (2 copies) Hertel & Millis
Vitality of Senior Faculty Members:  Snow on the Roof-Fire in the Furnace Bland and Bergquist
The Virtual Student: A Profile and Guide to Working with Online Learners Palloff and Pratt
Web-Based Training Driscoll
Web Learning Field book:  Using the World Wide Web to Build Workplace Learning Environments Beer
What Matters in College?  Four Critical Years Revisited Astin
What the Best College Teachers Do Bain, Ken
What Works in Student Retention in State Colleges and Universities Cowart
What's College For? Karabell
What's the Use of Lectures? Bligh
When Hope and Fear Collide:  A Portrait of Today's College Student (2 copies) Levine and Cureton
Where's the Learning in Service-Learning Eyler and Giles, Jr.
Why Leaders Can't Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues Bennis
With Service in Mind Bringle and Duffy
Women as Learners:  The Significance of Gender in Adult Learning Hayes and Flannery
Women's Studies AAHE
Women's Ways of Knowing Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule
Work and Integrity (2 copies) Sullivan
Work of Writing Rankin
Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors Moxley, Taylor
Writing for A Good Cause Barbato, Furlich
Writing for Professional Publication: Keys to Academic and Business Success Henson
Writing for Scholarly Publication (2 copies) Huff
Writing in the Arts, Sciences, and Professional Schools Hamilton
Writing Meaningful Teacher Evaluations-Right Now!! Barker, Searchwell
Writing the Community Adler-Kassner, Crooks, and Watters