School of Graduate Studies

Graduate Research Grants

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater recognizes the importance of basic and applied research in the graduate experience and supports such initiatives by making small research grants available. Several grants up to $350 will be awarded to single or multiple-student research projects that involve supervision by a member of the graduate faculty. A limited number of grants of $700 may be awarded depending upon fund availability and the exceptional merits of the request. Funds may be used for travel, supplies, photocopying, or wages for student help (other than the student investigator[s]), and/or for the dissemination of project results (e.g., travel to present findings at professional meetings, costs of publication). Funds may not be used for survey participation incentives or other gifts.

Send application to School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education, Roseman 2013, 足彩平台, Whitewater WI 53190 or email

Applicants must be graduate students in “good standing” and have not previously received a Graduate Research Grant from the University. Supervising faculty members must hold “graduate faculty” status.

The application must include a brief (2-3 page, double-spaced,1 inch margins) description of:

  • The goals and objectives of the project, including a description of how the project fits into the applicant’s academic and/or professional development
  • A description of research methodology and design
  • Timelines for completion of the various steps in the investigation
  • A budget with expenses itemized
  • An explanation of how the results of the investigation will be shared (e.g., thesis, publication, conference paper)

A letter from the graduate faculty supervisor that endorses both the significance of the project to the discipline and the student(s) capacity for completing the project should be attached to the application.

Awards will be made twice during the year. Fall applications are due by October 15 and spring applications are due by February 15.

A review committee consisting of a representative from the School of Graduate Studies and one graduate faculty representative from each college will recommend distribution of grants to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education. The recommendations will be based on the following criteria:

  • The project description is clearly written, well-designed, realistic in its scope, and cost-appropriate
  • The project is likely to produce significant scholarly results, leading to the completion of a thesis, presentation to professional audience or publication
  • The project is concordant with the student’s academic and/or professional development

All grants will be awarded in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

  • All investigations must receive approval, when appropriate, of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects
  • All funds should be expended by June 30 and follow University guidelines
  • All books, software, small equipment and other materials purchased with grant funds belong to the University
  • All projects should be related to graduate course work through regular course enrollment, independent study, or thesis credits during the academic year
  • All recipients are expected to submit a final report of the project to the School of Graduate Studies, complete with faculty supervisor
    endorsement, by July 15th