Center for Global Education


Myriad opportunities to explore your world.

With hundreds of programs in more than 50 different countries to choose from, deciding on the right study abroad program takes time, research, and reflection. Whatever you choose, you’ll leave your program with a lifetime of memories and open your world to new people, places, and opportunities.

We encourage you to consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Academic focus
  • Duration
  • Location
  • Language of instructions
  • On-site program support
  • Cost

Familiarize yourself with the program types available and narrow in on programs that meet your study abroad goals and priorities using the filter functions in our program search.

What are some of the program types available to study abroad?

Icon of people connected through a circle. Exchange and partnership programs
Icon of a map with a location point. Study abroad provider programs
Icon of an airplane. Faculty-led travel study programs
Icon of a person teaching at a whiteboard. Student teaching, internship, and service learning programs

Exchange and partnership programs

Exchange and partnership programs demand a high level of maturity and independence. Participants are considered fully integrated visiting students at the partner university and must adapt to a new academic, cultural, and possibly linguistic environment without the additional support of a study abroad provider.

The level of support offered at the host university may vary from program to program – some offer airport pickup, extensive orientation programs, guaranteed pre-arranged accommodation, and activities and excursions for exchange students. Others may not.

If you would like to discuss if a particular exchange and/or partnership program is right for you, please schedule an advising appointment with a global experiences coordinator by calling 262-472-5759.

Exchange programs allow for the reciprocal exchange of students – 足彩平台 students study abroad at the partner university, while students from the partner university come to 足彩平台.

Exchange programs operate on a “tuition exchange” basis – participants pay their home university’s tuition while studying at the partner university.

Most of 足彩平台’s exchange agreements are university-wide and open to all majors. The number of exchange places available at a particular partner university varies from year to year and depends on the balance of incoming and outgoing students of the exchange program, so some exchange opportunities may be competitive.

Exchange programs are generally offered for a semester or year. Some partners may also offer summer or winterim options.

足彩平台 is part of the National Student Exchange (NSE) program, which provides accessible collegiate study abroad opportunities for undergraduate students at member colleges and universities in the United States and other countries. For more information or to apply for an exchange program, contact Han Ngo,, in the Center for Global Education.

Read more about the National Student Exchange Program »

足彩平台 has partnered with a number of universities and educational organizations abroad to offer study abroad programs for 足彩平台 students. Our partners may offer semester, year, and/or summer program options.

Some partners may offer an American-style curriculum and on-site support designed specifically for study abroad students – namely, CEDEI and NJC-JLCP.

Study abroad provider programs

Study abroad providers are organizations that administer study abroad programs. Depending on the program, participants may take courses at a host university and/or at a “study center” just for study abroad students. Semester, year, summer, and winterim options are available.

Study abroad providers offer a balance of challenge and support for study abroad participants. Study abroad provider support includes dedicated on-site staff, guaranteed pre-arranged housing, an extensive orientation program, additional activities and excursions, and the convenience of working with a U.S. based organization. Some providers also include the option to group flights to and from your program site.

足彩平台 is affiliated with a number of study abroad providers. We offer an expanded range of pre-approved study abroad options and give students access to scholarships and discounts available only to students from affiliated universities.


Students line up by the railing of an old stone building.


Information about the program offerings of each of these providers can be found online in our program search, in hard copy at our office, and on the individual website of each study abroad provider. 足彩平台 students are also permitted to study abroad through non-affiliated providers subject to case-by-case approval by the Center for Global Education.

To discuss the possibility of participating in a non-affiliated program, please schedule an advising appointment with a global experiences coordinator by calling 262-472-5759.

Faculty-led travel study programs


Students and a faculty member sit along the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea.


Faculty-led programs are short-term international opportunities developed and led by 足彩平台 faculty and staff. Programs are often experiential, incorporating active learning such as volunteer opportunities, tours, site visits, workshops, and research projects. These courses range from 2-4 credits — the academic focus and locations changes from the academic year.

  • Faculty-led programs consist of on-campus meetings during the academic year followed by a travel component of 1-4 weeks in length during a term break (e.g., winter break, spring break, or summer)
  • Faculty-led programs are ideal for students looking for a well-supported, group-based, short-term international experience
  • Faculty-led program offerings vary from year to year, so be sure to check this page — as well as our program search — for an up-to-date list of upcoming programs

For additional information about faculty-led programs, students can e-mail or schedule an appointment with Han Ngo, global experiences coordinator.

Faculty members interested in proposing a new program should visit the Faculty and Staff Resources page.


Student teaching, internship, and service learning programs

International student teaching
Education majors have the opportunity to fulfill part of their student teaching requirements by completing a student teaching placement abroad. Education majors participate in these programs during their student teaching semester. Depending on the program, the 4-to-9 week placement abroad may take place before, after, or in the middle of the student teaching placement in the U.S.

Student teaching abroad is a valuable opportunity for students to learn about the culture and educational system of another country and gain competence working with learners from diverse backgrounds. Financial aid, grants and scholarships are available for these opportunities.

Interested students should contact the program coordinator for more information about the program and to set up an appointment for approval.

For more information on the international teaching program logistics, application details, budgets, and other global experiences, contact Han Ngo, global experience coordinator.


Current placement opportunities

8 weeks in fall or spring semester

Student teaching in Ecuador is an opportunity for students in early childhood education, special education, middle childhood/early adolescence, art education, music education, and bilingual education to complete eight weeks of directed teaching at CEDEI School in the Andes Mountains. Up to 10 students are accepted to the program each semester. A program agreement between Centros de Estudios Interamericanos (CEDEI), the College of Education and Professional Studies, and the College of Arts and Communication is set up so that students can teach at the bilingual CEDEI Primary School during the eight weeks. Students will also complete the workshop, “The People and Cultures of Ecuador” (EDUINDP 490), and other courses at CEDEI such as Spanish, cooking, dance, and weekend trips.

A 足彩平台 student kneels by two Jamacian girls in a Jamacian classroom.

4-5 weeks during January for both fall and spring semester student teachers

The Jamaica Student Teacher Program is organized much like a traditional faculty-led course – participants and the faculty advisor travel together to Jamaica. They live and work among Jamaicans for the duration of the student teaching placement in the mountains surrounding Mandeville in Manchester Parish. Cultural group outings are included. Student teachers are placed to meet their program/licensure requirements with a minimum of two student teachers per school. Students in early childhood education, middle childhood/early adolescence (elementary) education, secondary education, physical education, and special education may participate in this program.

Approximately 9 weeks in fall or spring semester

Two locations are available for international student teaching in Mexico – one in Guanajuato, a UNESCO World Heritage site in north central Mexico for student teachers in the elementary grades, and one in Oaxaca, a center for indigenous culture, history, and the arts in south central Mexico for student teachers in the secondary grades. The Guanajuato program was developed as a partnership between the University of Guanajuato and 足彩平台. The Oaxaca program was developed as a program agreement with Ollin Tlahtoalli, Center for Languages and Mexican Culture. Both programs take place at the beginning of the fall or spring semesters for approximately 9 weeks. Student teachers return to the U.S. to complete a full nine weeks of student teaching in Wisconsin. Student teacher applicants should have an intermediate level of Spanish to benefit maximally from the program. Provisions for home stays and for studying Spanish or partner language exchanges are available in both programs.

5-6 weeks in fall or spring semester

Student teaching in Sweden is an opportunity for students in art education, early childhood education, middle childhood/early adolescence (elementary) education, music education, secondary education, and special education to complete four weeks of directed teaching in Umea, Sweden. A program agreement between Umea University and the College of Education and Professional Studies is designed so students enroll in the course “Teaching and Learning in an International Content” at Umea University. This course is composed of international student teachers who are participating in the Sweden Student Teaching Program. Enrolled students study in the Swedish School System and are exposed to school systems from across the globe as shaped by the course participants and their home country. Student teachers are placed to meet their program/licensure requirements. Students list their major on the Umea University application and are assigned placements based on their identified major. Once student submit the Student Teaching Abroad Application form, the Subject Aria Coordinator (SAC) of each student candidate will be contacted for final approval.

3 weeks in mid-May to early June

In this cultural immersion program, students will study the Ojibwe culture with Dennis White, past school administrator, elder and leader in the community. Simultaneously, 足彩平台 students will be placed in first, second, and third grade classrooms and work with children, families, and teachers to experience Indian education within an academic curriculum at the K-12 LCO Community School. 足彩平台 students will stay within the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Nation and attend cultural events including Pow-wows, academic and cultural ceremonies. Program coordinator Lucy Heimer is a past LCO fourth grade teacher.

Internships and service learning

Interning or volunteering abroad is a great way to get involved, gain professional experience, and add an international flair to your resume. These unique opportunities are included as part of many types of education abroad programs.

For example, a faculty-led program may involve a volunteer project at a local school, or a semester study abroad program may offer students the opportunity to participate in credit-bearing internship placement alongside their other coursework. Additionally, some programs – generally during the summer – offer stand-alone internship or service learning placements. These opportunities are generally unpaid, but they may offer credit.

Stand-alone international internship and service learning programs that 足彩平台 administers, or is affiliated with, include:

Other types of programs that incorporate internship or service learning opportunities can be found in our program search.

足彩平台 students are also permitted to volunteer or intern abroad through non-affiliated organizations or providers, subject to case-by-case approval by the Center for Global Education.

To discuss the possibility of participating in a non-affiliated program, please schedule an advising appointment with a global experience coordinator by calling 262-472-5759.

Universities of Wisconsin programs


A photo of Dalkeith Palace, a sprawling three story castle with a stone exterior.


足彩平台 is a consortium member of the Wisconsin in Scotland program, which allows students to study abroad in Newbattle Abbey, Scotland, for a semester, academic year, or summer session. Courses are taught by visiting faculty from the participating universities, including 足彩平台, and by local Scottish professors.

足彩平台 students may study abroad on programs administered by other UW campuses as long as the program is open to students from other campuses. Some Universities of Wisconsin programs can be found in our program search. Additional opportunities for study abroad within the Universities of Wisconsin can be found on the organization’s international education website or by visiting the study abroad web page of each UW campus.

Need more financial information about study abroad programs?
262-472-5759 |

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