College of Letters and Sciences
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Strategic Plan

A strategic plan serves as a kind of scaffolding for the operations of any organization so it may reach its mission (which reflects why it exists and what it aims to achieve, including serving its many stakeholders). It is designed to keep the organizational members on track together towards shared goals, and to reflect the organizational identity as outlined in its mission statement.  To help the organization reach those goals, a strategic plan may include objectives which identify specific tasks reflecting those goals.  Within those objectives, action items may be developed to provide detailed activities or methods organizational members will use to reach the objectives.  Having strategic plan goals also means developing metrics to ensure we are meeting our goals. The metrics not only assess to what degree a goal has been met, but may also determine whether the actions were of any use.  In order to know whether a goal has been met, more specific targets are created.  Finally, progress towards targets and goals may be measured both short-term (such as every 1-2 years) and long-term (such as every 5 or 10 years). 

The College of Letters & Sciences (CoLS) is one of many University of Wisconsin-Whitewater colleges. It has its mission, and every five years, it aims to update its strategic plan to meet the mission. It is imperative that updating the strategic plan includes not only a look back at progress via the metrics and targets, but also to listen to current voices of CoLS stakeholders. Those stakeholders for CoLS include students, faculty, staff, administration, members of the campus community and also the city of Whitewater community and beyond.  Therefore, a strategic plan is not only important for the CoLS operations, but also for the stakeholders. 

To include as many stakeholder voices as possible, during the Fall 2022-Spring 2023 year the CoLS created a Strategic Planning Workgroup.  The members are working through a specific process which includes offering different avenues for voices to be heard.  These include focus groups, interviews, online surveys, meetings, and secondary data. See further below for details on the process, opportunities to get involved, and to meet the workgroup members.

General Strategic Plan Terminology

  • Mission statement: This reflects why our college exists and what it intends to achieve.
  • Vision Statement: This reflects what our college intends to become within the timeframe of the strategic plan.
  • Strategic Plan (AKA: Strategic Priorities): Contains goals which help align efforts across stakeholder groups as progress is measured both short term (such as every 1-2 years) and long term (such as every 5 or 10 years).
  • Goals: Broad statements that reflect intended mission outcomes.
  • Objectives: Identify more specific directions reflecting those broader goals.
  • Actions: Detailed activities or methods to meet the objectives.
  • Metrics: A performance measure, means to assess whether actions were of any use, and the degree to which goals were met.
  • Target: A specific value to be achieved by our college for each metric.

Our Process

  • Created under the supervision of the L&S Dean’s Office
  • Hold listening sessions / focus groups / administer surveys among:
    • Faculty & Academic Staff
    • Academic Department Associates 
    • Advising and Dean’s Office
    • Students
    • Community members
  • Analyze data
  • Recommend the L&S College’s new Strategic Plan (SP)
  • Identify objectives, actions, metrics, and targets
  • Build a L&S College SP Website
  • Present our work to the L&S College late Spring 2023 for approval

See Our Progress & Ways to Get Involved

Below see our progress, upcoming or past focus group opportunities, and other information on how to get involved.

  • Thursday, August 25, 2022: L&S Retreat  Complete
  • Thursday, October 20, 2022 - 4 pm - 6pm: L&S Faculty Complete
  • Friday, October 28, 2022 - 9 am - 10 am: Dean's Advistory Board Complete
  • Monday, November 7, 2022 5 pm - 6 pm: Dean's Advisory Council  Complete
  • Wednesday, November 16, 2022: L&S Students Complete
  • Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 9 am (DA Open Forum) Complete
  • Online Survey for Faculty & Academic Staff (contact Leda Kanellakou at kanellal@eric-andre.comComplete
  • Thursday, February 16, 3:45-5:15pm, Hyland Hall, 1308: L&S Faculty & Academic Staff Complete
  • Open Questionnaires (Spring 2023, through February 17, 2023): Complete
    • Faculty
    • Community
  • Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - 3:45 - 5:15pm, Old Main Ballroom in UC: Spring L&S Meeting to present the recommended 2023-2028 Strategic Plan Complete


  • Fall 2023: Work with L&S College to create an College-level inventory of actions (e.g., programs, events, opportunities, teaching practices) which already exist in relation to our new Strategic Plan Complete
  • Fall 2023: Survey L&S Department Chairs to assess Department-level actions (e.g., programs, events, opportunities, teaching practices) which already exist in relation to our new Strategic Plan Complete
  • Spring 2024: SP Workgroup sorts College- and Department-level actions across current Strategic Plan Goals
  • Spring 2024: SP Workgroup creates an integrated document to identify “strengths” and “weaknesses” across our College and in relation to our Strategic Plan Goals
  • Spring 2024: Share “strengths” and “weaknesses” with the L&S College Dean, and recommended areas for focus
  • Spring 2024: Identify existing metrics for existing actions, and create others for selected actions
  • Spring 2024: Consider and recommend targets for goals to the L&S College Dean
  • Spring 2024: Share report on the above with the L&S College

Strategic Plans

Working Group Members

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Mary Pratt
Dean's Assistant
College of Letters and Sciences

Jessica Bonjour.

Jessica Bonjour
Associate Professor

Jolly Emrey

Jolly Emrey
Associate Professor
Politics, Government, and Law

Leda Kanellakou

Leda Kanellakou
Sociology, Criminology & Anthropology

Sheila Turek

Sheila Turek
Associate Professor
World Languages and Cultures

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Molly Patterson
Associate Professor

Jiazhen Zhou

Jiazhen Zhou
Associate Professor
Computer Science