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Rachel Chaphalkar
Associate Professor

  • Department(s): MATHEMATICS
  • Office Location: Laurentide Hall 2231
  • Phone: (262) 472-2764
  • Email:
Rachel Chaphalkar profile picture
Research Interests: Mathematics Education

Ph.D. Mathematics, 2014, University of Montana
M.S. Mathematical Sciences, 2008, Michigan Technological University
B.S. Mathematics, 2006, Michigan Technological University

Courses Taught:
Quantitative Reasoning, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I & II, College Algebra, Precalculus, Calculus and Analytic Geometry I, Infinite Processes for the Elementary Teacher, Problem Solving for the Elementary Teacher, Probability and Statistics for Teachers, and Modern Algebra and Number Theory for the Elementary Teacher

Recent Publications:
  • Feliciano-Semidei, R., Wu, K., & Chaphalkar, R. M. (2022). Introducing conditional probability using the Monty Hall problem. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 19(2), 93-109.
  • Wu, K., Chaphalkar, R. M., Lask, B., & Hecker, M. (2020). Hidden Strengths of American Indian and Alaska Native Students in Mathematics as Measured by the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Journal of American Indian Education, 59(2&3), 7-32.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M. & Wu, K. (2020). Students’ Reasoning about Variability in Graphs during an Introductory Statistics Course. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 15(2), em0580.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M., & Wu, K. (2015). Academic Service Learning Projects in College Introductory Statistics: Effects on Students’ Attitudes. In V. M. Jagla, A. Furco, J. R. Strait, & K. Kent (Eds.) Service-Learning Pedagogy: How Does It Measure Up? Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Recent Presentations:
  • Hecker, M., Lask, E., Chaphalkar, R.M., Wu, K. (2022, June). Native American Students’ Hidden Strengths in Mathematics - An Asset-based Approach Mixed Method Study. International Blackfoot Research Conference, Browning, MT, and virtual.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M., Samaranayake, G., Hough, W., & Krueger, J. (2019, November). Effects of Growth Mindset and Metacognition Interventions in Calculus. American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M. (2018, July). Statistical Understanding of Pre-service Elementary Teachers. 10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Kyoto, Japan, Invited talk.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M. (2018, January). Future elementary teachers’ conceptual understanding of statistics. Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M. (2016, February). Case Studies in the Classroom. AP Statistics for Teachers. ASA Wisconsin Chapter Annual Meeting, Waukesha, WI, Invited talk.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M. (2016, January). Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Variability throughout an Introductory Statistics Course. Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA.
  • Chaphalkar, R. M. (2015, January). Introductory Statistics Students’ Development of Reasoning about Variability. Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Antonio, TX.