Continuing Education

PIE | Faculty Liaisons

足彩平台 faculty general responsibilities will be to collaborate with PIE instructor to align dual enrollment course with UWW standards including course content, instruction methods and student learning assessment.  They will also, a ssists PIE instructor to meet other discipline specific criteria for the course;  conduct site visits to high school PIE course; review student assignments (through canvas and/or face to face); provide evaluation of PIE course based on class visits, student assignments and discussions with PIE instructor; coordinate department review of PIE course; coordinate high school instructor visit to UW-W class and coordinate canvas set up and access for PIE high school instructor if needed.

UW-W Faculty Timeline of Responsibilities

2-3 months prior to PIE course start | 

  • Contact high school teacher to share syllabi, department approved learning objectives, samples assignments, rubrics, student assessments, etc.
  •   Coordinate selection of course materials including suggested readings and approved textbooks

1-2 months prior to PIE course start |

  • Approve alignment of PIE syllabus, course materials and student assessments with UW-W course.
  • Coordinate development of canvas site for high school teacher(s) and students.
  • Assist PIE high school teacher in using D2L for dropbox submissions, feedback and grade posting if appropriate
  • Develop agreement with PIE high school instructor on dates of classroom visit(s) and student assignments that will be reviewed.
  • Evaluate student assignments as agreed upon with PIE instructor (this may include monitoring the canvas website for assignment feedback and grades)
  • Conduct classroom visit(s) for PIE course. Submit course evaluation to PIE Coordinator one week following the classroom visit.  Three classroom visits are required the first time the high school instructor teaches the PIE course; one visit is required in subsequent offerings by the PIE instructor
  • Coordinate high school teacher visit to campus to observe an on campus offering of the course
  • Coordinate with PIE Coordinator PIE course visit to campus (optional)
  • Offer “guest” lecture for high school class (optional)

UWW Department General Responsibilities

  • Develop department procedures to approve, conditionally approve or deny high school teacher application to teach a PIE course based upon submitted resume, current syllabus, application, and transcripts
  • Develop department procedures to conduct annual review of high school PIE instructor portfolio (syllabi, UW-W site visit reports, student assessments)
  • Collaborate to develop appropriate PIE instructor professional development

Course Eval Form


Class Observation Form


Driver Authorization


PIE Course Offerings

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